(843) 806-0757


Do I Really Need a Home Inspection?




Our Standard Home Inspection includes a robust list of extras to make your home buying and home ownership processes go off with as little risk as possible.  We  follow the standards of practice put in place by InterNACHI and exceed it with the use of infrared scans with every home inspection. Call us for a quote, you never know, we might just have the best prices too. A home inspection can save you a lot of money, and help you protect what might be your largest investment.  If you regularly invest in residential properties, the services of a sharp home inspector can help you maximize your returns.   More importantly it can help improve the safety and well-being of the inhabitants.  When we perform a home inspection we do so with extra attention to unsafe conditions, many of which may look fine to the untrained eye.

What happens in a Home Inspection?

Zion Home Inspection provides a thorough assessment of homes from a standpoint of function and safety.  We report on material defects as well as types of materials used, and operability of systems and components.  We make recommendations for moving forward with repairing defects and maintaining conditions, also recommending the type of tradesman or technician to call.  Our inspection process begins with the exterior and then moves to the inside, checking appliances and fixtures.  Our average inspection time is 2-3 hours, and the report is made available within 24 hours of the inspection. 

All our inspections feature the use of an infrared camera for creating thermal images of electrical panels, potential plumbing leaks, and HVAC ducts to check for defects and deficiencies that would be harder to detect otherwise. This still does not guarantee that all hidden defects will be found, but it can help detect them, nonetheless. 

When inspecting components that may be water damaged, we always try to verify the presence of moisture with a moisture meter by probing the suspected area.  We compare these readings to standard industry thresholds and make appropriate recommendations.

When you receive your report, it will come from a third-party reporting software.  This report will only be accessible to you, your real estate agent, and anyone you would like to send it to.  You will get an email containing a username and password that will allow you to access the report at any time and print or download a pdf of it.  The software we use is called Home Gauge, and when you log in to their website with the provided username and password you will see your report or reports, and within the report you will be able to add items to a repair addendum, so you can get your request for repairs submitted and handled as soon, and as hassle free as possible.

To ensure that the inspection process goes smoothly, and the inspector can inspect as much of the home as possible, there are a few things you can do (link). It helps to verify that the power, water, and gas are on before the day of the inspection; as well as confirming accessibility of the crawlspace, attic, HVAC components and all living spaces.   I will do my best to go above and beyond to ensure accuracy of the report, however the safety of my clients and myself comes first and foremost.

We prioritize diligent inspection practices and superior customer service. Our Inspections follow the Standards of Practice set by The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. InterNACHI's education program is the only Home Inspector School accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. InterNACHI Inspectors are required to complete a certain amount of education per year and are held to a high standard.  With InterNACHI in our corner, we have a heightened ability to save you time and money. 

Communicating Results of the Inspection

Communicating with reliable professionals is key to any real estate transaction. Buying and selling a home can be a complicated process, and under time constraints and deadlines, there is a lot going on and at times, important things can elude a person. We aim to be a rock for you when things get hectic by providing you with a clear and detailed report and being available for any questions. Let us help you asses the condition of your home or prospective home and put your mind at ease. The report will be made available promptly and scheduling will be a breeze. Our promise to you is our very best professional inspection and your complete satisfaction. Deciding to hire a home inspector is prudent but picking the right home inspector is just as important. Picking the wrong inspector could wind up being a waste of money anyway. Call Zion Home Inspection today to speak to a trusted home inspector in Dorchester County, Charleston County, Berkely County, and Colleton County! 

When do I Need to Schedule a Home Inspection?
The average due diligence period in a home purchase agreement is 7-10 days, and sometimes home inspectors in Dorchester County are booked for up to 2 weeks. In a seller's market some prospective buyers have even waived their home inspection to make a more appealing offer, but this is not recommended.  When you start your home buying process, ask friends and family about any inspectors they know, consult with a real estate professional about their recommendations, and have a few inspectors picked out that you like. Then schedule the inspection as soon as possible, to allow for scheduling conflicts within your time frame.
Can I attend my inspection?
Yes! Attending the inspection gives you the best perspective for reading the report. It is not mandatory however, and if you decide not to attend I will be happy to review the inspection report over the phone.
Does South Carolina require home inspections?
A home inspection is not required by the state of South Carolina, however there are often instances where a prospective homebuyer is highly compelled to get a home inspection. Home insurance companies may want to see that the 4-Points were inspected before issuing a policy.
Are home inspections scary or stressful?
Don’t be scared or stressed about the findings of the inspection. The purpose of the inspection is to inform you of apparent defects before they become your problem. Naturally you want the home you’ve picked out to be in need of no repair but it is better to find out about it ahead of time. If you’re a homeowner getting ready to sell a pre-listing inspection, even a surprising inspection report will still be giving you the advantage of time. Knowing about a major defect before your prospective buyers come to inspect the property helps prevent delays at closing, and can even lead to the buyer waiving their inspection.
Who are the best home inspectors near me?
The best home inspectors in South Carolina are licensed professionals and members of professional inspector associations. The best inspectors communicate with their clients and provide detailed inspection reports using years of experience gained.